AURORA shares new track ‘Exist for Love’

AURORA reveals a new-found tenderness on her latest single Exist for Love. Accompanied by elegant, enchanting strings, the track injects hope and warmth into the puzzling and frantic times we are enduring globally. 

The soothing and romantic vocals from AURORA are accompanied by Isobel Waller-Bridge’s (Fleabag, Emma, Vita & Virginia) string arrangements, gluing together to create a meditative, dreamy ballad. “Isobel understood and respected the spirit of the song. I’m very grateful to have her as another mother to the project,” AURORA describes. 

Exist for Love shows AURORA taking great leaps and bounds as she branches into new subject matter and vulnerability. “I thought I didn’t have a love song within me,” said AURORA. “Until one day a few years ago, when I realized what a heavenly thing love is. Yes, it makes us human, but it also makes us divine. Whatever you’re using that love for. Or who. The touch of it will leave a print in us. It may be newborn love, it might be grief. But still we dare to love. Again and again. And when we get to experience that love, I think we understand why we exist. We exist for love.”